Anubias Nana

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Anubias Nana

Scientific Name: Anubias Nana

Anubias Nana is a plant that is extremely easy to grow and a great beginner plant. It does not require much attention and can be floated in the tank or attached to decorations. Its thick structure allows it to be placed even with some aggressive fish. 

Anubias nana is a rosette plant which means that all the leaves grow to the same size and the root system will sit toward the top of the soil or substrate. Anubias nana leaves can get as large as 5 to 8 inches. We keep Anubias Nana in a fair amount of our breeding tanks here at Flip Aquatics. It is an easy-to-grow plant that prefers to not be rooted in the substrate. We typically float the plant or attach it to a rock or a piece of Malaysian driftwood. To attach it, we use a rubber band for two weeks or so and then remove it. Anubias nana is very hardy and can tolerate many aquarium conditions. Therefore, it will make a great addition to any shrimp tank.

Caring for Anubias Nana

Care Level:  Easy

Light: Low

CO2: Not Necessary but can promote growth

Propagation: Separate by rhizome

To propagate anubias nana, simply cut the rhizome and leave 4-5 leaves on each section. The rhizome will continue to grow and the plant will eventually thrive. Also, under good conditions anubias nana will propagate itself by sending out horizontal rhizomes with additional leaves. There is a myth on the internet that if you cut the rhizome of an anubias plant the sap will make the water toxic, this is not true. We have propagated anubias nana in shrimp tanks and have never had a problem.

 *All Plants may contain snails or snail eggs. We keep them in all of our tanks for the benefits they provide.*