Fissidens Nobilis

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Fissidens Nobilis

Fissidens Nobilis is a stunning moss species prized for its fine, feathery texture and structured, layered growth. Known for its slow growth and deep green coloration, this moss brings a refined, natural elegance to aquascapes. Whether attached to driftwood, rocks, or substrate, it creates an enchanting underwater forest effect.

Features and Benefits:

  • Unique Texture: Soft, feathery fronds create a delicate, sophisticated look in any aquarium.
  • Low Maintenance: Requires minimal trimming and thrives in a variety of water conditions.
  • Versatile Placement: Easily attaches to hardscapes, making it ideal for creating naturalistic aquascapes.
  • Hardy Growth: Adapts well to both high and low lighting setups, with CO2 supplementation enhancing growth.

Fissidens Nobilis thrives in stable water conditions with moderate lighting and nutrient supplementation. While it grows slowly, this characteristic ensures that it maintains its neat and compact appearance over time. Perfect for aquarists seeking a long-lasting, visually appealing moss to elevate their tank’s aesthetics.

Introduce the elegance of Fissidens Nobilis to your aquarium for a timeless addition that complements any aquascape design.

Caring for Fissidens Nobilis

Care Level: Easy

Lighting: Low-Medium

CO2: Not required but will help 

Propagation: Will start spreading once established

Note: Please do additional research on your plant to ensure its health. 

 *All Plants may contain snails or snail eggs. We keep them in all of our tanks for the benefits they provide.*