Moneywort | Bacopa Monnieri *

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Bacopa Moneywort

Scientific Name: Bacopa Monnieri

Common Name: Water Hyssop, Moneywort

Bacopa is a very easy-to-grow stem plant which makes it great for beginners. It does not demand much as far as dosing and high light. Although, proper fertilization will always benefit plant growth. Bacopa is a great mid-ground plant and will grow as tall as you let it. 

Caring for Bacopa Moneywort

Care Level:  Easy

Light: Medium-High

CO2: Not necessary but would most likely yield more growth

Propagation: Stem plant, cut and replant new stem

Bacopa can be grown above water or submerged underwater.


Note: Please do additional research on your plant to ensure its health. 

 *All Plants may contain snails or snail eggs. We keep them in all of our tanks for the benefits they provide.*


 For more information about this plant, watch this video: