Alternanthera Reineckii |Scarlet Temple *

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Alternanthera reineckii

Scientific Name: Alternanthera reineckii

Common Names: Scarlet Temple, AR, AR Plant

The Alternanthera reineckii, also known as Scarlet Temple, is a striking addition to any aquarium, offering vibrant red-purple leaves that create contrast. Unlike many plants in its family, this species is relatively easy to care for, making it suitable for aquarists of all experience levels. While it will thrive in most setups, providing a bit of extra care can result in thicker growth and even more vivid colors.

While these plants can tolerate suboptimal conditions, they prefer soft, slightly acidic water with temperatures ranging from 68 to 75 °F. Additionally, they exhibit more vibrant colors under intense lighting, although they can still thrive in moderate light. Under optimal growing conditions, this plant can easily grow a few inches a week.

Caring for Alternanthera reineckii

Care Level: Moderate 

Light: Low - High

CO2: Not Needed

Propagation: Cut stem and relocate

 *All Plants may contain snails or snail eggs. We keep them in all of our tanks for the benefits they provide.*