Mystery Snails

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  • Mind your weather.
  • Snails will come in a plastic bag with air. When you open the snails, smell the inside of the bag. If there is no rancid or rotting smell the snails should all be alive. A slight smell could mean there is some that didn't make the trip.
  • Place all snails in one area in your tank so you can keep track of them. Make sure the opening of their shells are facing down. They will usually start moving within a few hours but could take a few days. 
  • Sizes of snails will vary between 1/4"-1/2" in size.
  • Please read DOA policy below.

Mystery snails are some of the best algae eaters to keep your glass, wood, rocks, and equipment free from brown and green algae that build up over time. These snails can reproduce in freshwater aquariums. They will lay an egg sack at the top but will need to stay moist to hatch.

Please note:

  • "Black snails" can have a purple color to their shells.
  • "Blue snails" have white shells but blue bodies.

Mystery Snail Care:

Best kept between 70°f and 78°f.

Will eat leftover food from feeding your fish, algae, and detritus.They won't eat healthy plants, any dying plant mater they will clean up for you.

Will need calcium in diet or water.

DOA Policy:

We will only replace, refund, or partial refund these snails if more then 50% are DOA. We will ask though that you place snails in your tank for up to a week to see if they are in fact dead or not.

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